One of Bishop’s guests was a women who’s an excellent example of ageless living … and that it’s never too late for love. It was Beyonce Knowles’s mother Tina, who divorced Matthew Knowles when she was in her late fifties. You might think it was all over for Miss Tina as far as love, but no. She married actor Richard Lawson in 2015 at age 61.
Turns out they had met years before when both were still married to others. When they both ended up divorced, he rekindled their friendship. It was wonderful to hear him talk so positively about how his previous marriages were not mistakes, like this is where we were meant to be at this stage in our lives. As we move through this thing called life, we’re all looking for the same thing. Some find it early. Some find it later in life.
The message was this: it’s not too late. Don’t give up. There are plenty of good men out there. Good women too. No matter what age you are, if you want romantic love in your life, as long as you’re breathing, it’s still possible.
That’s ageless living – still open to the wonder of love. Not jaded because of what you’ve been through. Not ashamed to admit that deep down inside, you still want companionship and love, someone to share your life with. Is there a time limit on that? Is there an unwritten rule that says if you don’t do it by a certain age it’s too late? Of course not. As my good friend Linnette says, “It’s not over til you’re dead.”
If you find yourself single in your middle/late years, don’t fret. Hell, at this age there’s a whole new crop of single people in their 50s, 60s and 70s who have raised families and excited to see the next act unfold. Whatever you want, somebody is out there feeling the same way you do.
Write out a detailed description of your person so the Universe will have an idea what you want, and so will you. Read it. Fill in more details. Then get out there so you can find each other — the chances of your true love knocking on your door is minimal (but nothing’s impossible).
Be open to the possibilities. Don’t give up.
You never know…lightning may strike. (shades of Meet Joe Black … cold lamb sandwiches anyone?)